Remote Learning

Continuous learning is essential for our children's progress; therefore, we have several measures to ensure this should your child or their class need to spend time away from the classroom.
When children are required to be at home, and unable to attend school - we understand the importance of ensuring that their learning does not stop. Since October 2020, schools have been required by law to provide effective education to those children who are unable to access face to face teaching.
​This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to families about what to expect from us in relation to remote education - if restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home, or if individual children are self-isolating.
A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching. As such, in the first day or two of a longer period of closure we will:
Expect children to read their current reading books, practise their ‘sound book’ and complete any outstanding homework which is currently allocated on Class DoJo.
Each child will have access where applicable to the host of online resources used throughout the school which may include: Times Tables Rockstars, NumBots, Spelling Shed and Lexia to name a few.
Phonics lessons will be replaced seamlessly by links to the relevant Read Write Inc videos which mirror the learning your child would be doing in these sessions in school.
Your Child’s class teacher will post work on the Class DoJo platform and will be available to give feedback and advice.
The remote offer we provide aims to replicate the face to face teaching your child would have had in school.
The remote curriculum will also encompass the vast majority of subjects that the children experience in school. Whilst some learning experiences that would have taken place in school are simply not possible via remote learning (e.g. the more practical aspects of the Design Technology, Science, PE and Computing curricula), teachers will either move this learning to a period when children return to school, or source alternative theoretical learning to mirror the learning intention(e.g. a video of a science experiment, or online simulation). Whilst PE cannot be taught remotely, we do expect that children take part in physical exercise and challenges as directed through our remote learning tasks.
Should you require printed work then get in touch and we will ensure you receive what is right for your child.